THE APPLICATION FORM is now available!


42nd International Conference of the Polish Phycological Society

 Vast potential of algae and cyanobacteria - from diversity to application

27th-30th of May 2025

Name and surname *

Mr / Mrs *

PPS member

Student, PhD student, pensioner

Academic degree

Affiliation with address

E-mail address *

Invoice data *

Type of presentation *

Title of presentation *

Name and surname of the first author

Presentation is submitted to the contest*

*Contest for the best oral and poster presentation for young scientists. The first author (which should deliver oral presentation itself or be present at the poster session) may be not older than 35 years.

I am interested in trip along the trail of many cultures on May 30th *

Describe your diet.

Vegetarian, gluten-free meal etc.

* required field